Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Terrible Job

Politician9: (to his sisters) Turn up the music so I can hear it.

SonicBoom6: It's girls music. It's about LOVE you won't like it.

Politician9: Momma likes love, turn it up for her.

Me: (being contrary) I don't like love.

Politican9: Yes you do.

Me: Nope. Can't stand it.

Politician9: Then why did you marry daddy?

Me: To make his life as miserable as possible.

Politician9: Then you are doing a terrible job. I think he really, really likes you.


ShaDan JeM said...

That is funny! DH and I both laughed. Maybe you had 6 kids to make his life miserable??? Nah - he hasn't run off to Montana yet so he must not be too miserable.

naturalmom said...

Aww, that is funny and sweet!

blooming desertpea said...

So cute! And very bright, too!