Monday, January 25, 2010

Yet Another Reason to be Embarrassed that....

I live in South Carolina.

Our latest politician and gubernatorial want-to-be showed off his lack of understanding of complex issues such as poverty, his failure to live out his faith with words and actions that honor or understand Jesus's words and actions, and his failure to grasp that correlation is not causation.

Here is a post from Atl Journal Constitution. It includes a link to the video of Andre Bauer's town hall meeting where he made his comments comparing the poor to stray animals. His solution? Withhold food so they can't breed, because after all they don't know any better.

Here is a response from a local South Carolinian who represents an alternative view. Despite the perception, not all South Carolinians are conservative, fundamentalist hypocrites. Unfortunately, at times, they seem to be the majority.

We just spent yesterday afternoon at a local park feeding the hungry. It is always a good experience for us. We are so recognized there now that the kids are often brought gifts by those coming for a hot meal - simple things like bags of popcorn or books. We always feel that we walk away with more than we have given. I wonder if Andre Bauer has ever interacted with anyone outside of his elitist circles. I suspect not. You cannot make statements such as his and have broken bread with those who have fallen on hard times. And if you have and still feel as Mr. Bauer does, I fail to see how you can identify yourself as a Christian.

Gosh it sure is hard to live here sometimes.


naturalmom said...

Wow, I hadn't heard about that comment, but it's harsh. Well, I won't hold it against you personally. :o) I think what you wrote about your kids interactions with the folks in the park is just amazing. What an education you are giving them. I'm humbled.

Just Me said...

It can be brutal to live here. We manage to find pockets of sanctuary from the hate and ignorance coupled with religious self-righteousness.

Our Meeting is an example of one. We now usually have more kids than adults at meeting. When we attended our first meeting almost 1 year ago there were just 6 kids. We are now up to about 20 kids ranging in age from 1 year to 17.

As far as the park, I have always been a firm believer that people are people no matter their station in life. It is proven to us over and over again every time we are there. I often find myself having a more difficult time extending love and charity and finding a common purpose with those who come from a life of privilege and security.